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Website Privacy Notice

1. Introduction

Thank you for visiting the website for Cameron HR Ltd.   The aim of this Website Privacy Notice is to explain to you in clear terms, what personal information is collected when you visit our site, how it is collected, how we may use that information, where we store it, how long we keep it, and what steps we take to protect it. Further information on how we use your data as a client is available in our full Privacy Policy which is issued as part of a client’s service agreement or available on request.


2. Who Are We?

We are Cameron HR Ltd.  The company is registered in Scotland with the company number SC708033 The registered business address is Cameron HR Ltd, 58 Long Lane, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 1HH.  In this Website Privacy Notice we will refer to ourselves as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’.  Christine O’Ready is the Director and Data Protection Officer for Cameron HR Ltd.  You can contact Christine in the following ways:


Via email at or write to Christine at:

Cameron HR Ltd, 58 Long Lane, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 1HH.


We take seriously the privacy - including the security, of personal information we hold about you.  This privacy notice is designed to inform you about how we collect personal information about you and how we use it. 


We may issue you with other Privacy Notices from time to time, including when we collect personal information from you.  This Website Privacy Notice is intended to supplement these and does not override them. We may also update this Website Privacy Notice from time to time.  


3. Key Definitions

The key terms that we use throughout this Website Privacy Notice are defined below, for ease of reference:


We or us:  Cameron HR are the data controller of all personal data collected and used for the purposes set out in this Website Privacy Notice.  We are responsible for taking care of your personal data in line with data protection and privacy laws.

User or you: Any third party that accesses the website and is not either (i) employed by Cameron HR Ltd  and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services to Cameron HR Ltd and accessing the website in connection with the provision of such services

Data Controller: Under UK data protection law, this is the organisation or person responsible for deciding how personal information is collected and stored and how it is used. 

Data Processor: A Data Controller may appoint another organisation or person to carry out certain tasks in relation to the personal information on behalf of, and on the written instructions of, the Data Controller. (For example, providing an email marketing service that facilitates mass distribution of marketing material to a Data Controller’s customer-base).

Data: All information that you submit through the website including personal information.

Personal Information: In this Website Privacy Notice we refer to your personal data as ‘personal information’. ‘Personal information’ means any information from which a living individual can be identified (e.g. name, address, contact details, date of birth).  It does not apply to information which has been anonymised.

Special Information: Certain very sensitive personal information requires extra protection under data protection law.  Sensitive data includes information relating to health, racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious and similar beliefs, trade union membership, sex life and sexual orientation and also includes genetic information and biometric information. 


4. This Policy and Scope

This Website Privacy Notice applies between Cameron HR Ltd (‘we’, Us’ or the ‘Data Controller’ and you, the User or you (see above for definitions).  The Notice applies to the website (and secondary registration and does not apply to any links of websites or social media referred to within the website.  Please check the privacy policies of any third party website links within our website.


5. What type of personal information do we collect and process?

The types of information we collect and process include:

  • Identity Data may include your name, title, date of birth and gender.

  • Contact Data may include your business and billing address(es), other operational site addresses, email address and telephone numbers.

  • Technical Data may include your login data, internet protocol (‘IP’) address used to connect your computer to the internet (automatically collected), browser type and version, time zone setting and location.

  • Profile Data may include previous service interests, your interests, preferences, feedback, recommendations and any survey responses.

  • Usage Data may include information about how you use our website, products and services.  (E.g. length of visits to certain pages, page interaction etc)

  • Marketing and Communications Data may include your preferences in receiving marketing communications from us and our third parties and your communication preferences


6. How do we get the personal information and why do we have it?

Mainly, we get our information directly and voluntarily from you.  When you submit an enquiry on our website, as part of the process, we collect personal and non-personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated below only.

  • To provide a means of contacting you in order to provide information on our services

  • To provide quotes on our services

  • To collect information on your preferences and professional requirements

  • To be able to contact our service users with general or personalized service-related notices and promotional messages

  • To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred non-personal information, which we may use to provide and improve our respective services 

  • To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.


Therefore, the legal justifications are:

  1. Contractual obligation: because you may have asked us to prepare a proposal or some other work prior to entering into a contract with you or to fulfil our contractual obligations with you as a client

  2. Consent or legitimate interest:  this is where you have given us your consent to use your personal information for a specific reason or specific reasons. For example, to provide you with information you have requested; marketing or promotional materials that may be of interest to you; to allow you to register for updates, events or notification of events; to monitor and improve the performance of our website and to protect Cameron HR Ltd and this website

  3. Legal Obligation Reason: this is where we have to use your personal information in order to perform a legal obligation by which we are bound


7. Other means of collecting your data

Aside from collecting data directly from you, we also collect data available in the public domain.  Examples include but are not limited to Companies House, market research and networking services (e.g. Business Gateway, Chamber of Commerce), social media and websites.  We may also receive information automatically from technologies such as Google Analytics and cookies which are installed on our website.  Our Cookie Policy can be found separately on the website.


8. Special information

Special information is explained above in sub-section 3 titled ‘Key Definitions’.  We do not collect or hold any special information about you.


9. How do you store, use, share and disclose personal data?

Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and/or services to you. Your data may be stored through data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.


10. How do you communicate with your site visitors?

We may contact you to notify you if you sign up to an account or newsletter; to troubleshoot problems with your account or in response to a submitted enquiry; to resolve a dispute; to collect fees or monies owed; to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires; to send updates about our company or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce any Service Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text/WhatsApp messages, and postal mail.


11. Changes to personal information including agreed use

a) It is important that you keep your personal information up to date.  If any of your personal information             

    changes, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know.  If you do not do this then we may be           

    prevented from supplying agreed services.

b) Sometimes we may anonymise personal information so that you can no longer be identified from it and

    use this for our own purposes.  In addition, sometimes we may use some of your personal information

    together with others to give us statistical data for our own business reasons.  Because this is grouped

    together with other personal information, and you are not identifiable from that combined data, we are

    able to use this.  

c) Under data protection laws we can only use your personal information for the reasons  we have told you

    about in section 6, unless we consider that any new purpose is compatible with these reasons.  If we wish

    to use your personal information for a different purpose which we do not think is compatible with reasons

    and categories cited in section 6, we will contact you to explain this and what legal reason is in place to

    allow us to do this.


12. Details about who your personal information may be shared with

a) We may need to share your personal information with other organisations or people.  These organisations


          i.  Other individuals (who may act as joint data controllers or as data processors on our behalf) and to

              whom we require to have access to personal information, e.g. Cameron HR Associate Consultants.

          ii. Third parties who are not part of our group. These may include the following and are based in the


  • Suppliers: such as IT support services, payment providers, administration providers, marketing agencies;

  • Government bodies and regulatory bodies: such as HMRC, fraud prevention agencies;

  • Our advisors: such as lawyers, accountants, auditors, insurance companies;

  • Our bank;

  • Credit Reference Agencies;

  • E-mail platforms;

          iii.  Any organisations which propose to purchase our business and assets in which case we may

               disclose your personal information to the potential purchaser.

b)  Depending on the circumstances, the organisations or people who we share your personal information           with

     will be acting as either Data Processors or Data Controllers.  Where we share your personal

     information with a Data Processor we will ensure that we have in place contracts, which set out the

     responsibilities and obligations of us and them, including in respect of security of personal information.


13. Details about transfers to countries outside of the EEA

Data which we collect from you may be stored and processed in and transferred to countries outside of the UK. For example, this could occur if our servers are located in a country outside the UK or one of our service providers is situated in a country outside the UK. 


If we transfer Data outside the UK in this way, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this privacy policy. You expressly agree to such transfers of Data.


14. Details about how long we will hold your personal information

a)  We will only hold your personal data for as long as is necessary.  How long is necessary will depend upon the

     purposes for which we collected the personal information and whether we are under any legal or contractual

     obligation to keep it (e.g. accounting or auditing records or for tax reasons; legal claims, contractual warranties or

     guarantees offered with services)

b)  Further details on our retention policy for different types of data is included in our full Privacy Policy and is

     available on request.


15. Your rights under Data Protection law

a)  Under data protection laws you have certain rights in relation to your personal information, as follows:

i.  Right to request access: (this is often called ‘subject access’).  This is the right to obtain from us a copy

    of the personal information which we hold about you.

ii. Right to correction: this is the right to request that any incorrect personal data is corrected and that

    any incomplete personal data is completed.

iii.Right to erasure: (this is often called the “right to be forgotten”). This right only applies in certain

    circumstances.  Where it does apply, you have the right to request us to erase all of your personal


iv.Right to restrict processing: this right only applies in certain circumstances.  Where it does apply, you

    have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal information.

v. Right to data portability: this right allows you to request us to transfer your personal information to 

    someone else.

vi.Right to object: you have the right, at any time, to object to us processing your personal information  

   (e.g. for direct marketing purposes).  Where our legal reason for processing personal information is

    the ‘Legitimate Interests’ reason and there is something about your particular situation which means

    that you want to object to us processing your personal information, you have the right to do so.  

b)  In addition to the rights set out in section 15a) above, where we rely on consent as the legal reason for

     using your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent.  We will only use your

     personal information for a legal reason thereafter and will inform you of the need to do this. 

c)  If you want to exercise any of the above rights in relation to your personal information


16. Marketing

a)  You may receive marketing from us about similar services, where either you have consented to this, or we have

     another legal reason by which we can contact you for marketing purposes.

b)  However, we will give you the opportunity to manage how or if we market to you. In any e-mail which we

      send to you, we provide a link or instructions to either unsubscribe or opt-out, or to change your

      marketing preferences. You can also contact us on the details set out at the beginning of this notice to

      indicate marketing preferences.

c)   If you do request that we stop marketing to you, this will not prevent us from sending communications to

      you which are not to do with marketing (for example in relation to services or digital content which you

      have purchased from us).

d)  We do not pass your personal information on to any third parties for marketing purposes unless it is in

      the use of professional marketing services for business purposes of Cameron HR Ltd.


17. Complaints

If you are unhappy about the way that we have handled or used your personal information, please contact us in the first instance so we have the opportunity to discuss and resolve the matter.  You also have the right to complain to the UK supervisory authority for data protection, which is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). 


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website:

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